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FL Studio是一款非常优秀的音频编辑处理软件。FL Studio能帮助音乐创造者轻松的支持出各种优美动听的音乐,同时它还能支持各种经典乐器的配音,功能十分的强大,若有兴趣的朋友赶紧下来体验。

FL Studio自带强大的音符编辑器,编辑器可以针对作曲者的要求编辑出不同音律的节奏,例如鼓、镲、锣、钢琴、笛、大提琴、筝和扬琴等等任何乐器的节奏律动。它还内置了全功能音序器,支持VSTi和DXi格式插件,提供MIDI功能、64轨混音台、音频、波形编辑器和内置音源,它还能播放采样文件(wav、simsynth、drumsynth)。当然,你做好的音乐也可以存为WAV、MP3、MIDI或是它本身格式的文件。FL Studio目前在中国已经受到广大制作人喜爱,使用它制作的音乐作品也已经数不胜数,特别在DJ领域备受欢迎。


实时伸缩 – 采样器和音频剪辑“Realtime > Stretch(实时 > 伸缩)”模式可以实时独立于速度和音高变化DJ福音。

锁定 MIDI 音符到通道 – 右键点击一个通道按钮并选择接收音符。该通道将会响应控制器,不管该通道是否在 FL Studio 中选中。

MIDI 通道直通 – 允许所有 MIDI 通道从一个控制器或多个外部音序器通过到插件以分离控制并录制最大 16 个分开的 MIDI 通道颜色。

静音/独奏锁定 – Shift 点击静音 LED,可以锁定他们的当前状态。

Image-Line Remote 反馈 – Image-Line Remote 是一个 Android 和 iOS 遥控 MIDI 应用。Image-Line Remote 现已更新,控制会反映变化到 FL Studio 的用户界面。

输入值 – 速度和 Mixer(调音台)音轨选择器现在接实际值。

自动命名选项 – 在 General Settings > Auto(常规设置 > 自动)中关闭后当丢弃预设时现有通道的名称不会改变。

在独奏之后恢复之前状态 – 位于 General Settings > Miscellaneous(常规设置 > 杂项)下。可以让你恢复通道机架,Playlist(播放列表)和 Mixer(调音台)所有东西的状态点到独奏命令或取消独奏之前。

通道机架高亮 – Auto Resize(自动调整):设置通道机架高亮(关闭,最小,最大)。

通道机架排序 – Menu option > Sort(菜单 > 排序):让通道机架按调音台音轨号,通道名称或通道颜色排序。


Piano roll menu – Moved piano roll Helper options to View menu as it is more logical for new and forgetful users
Parametric EQ 2 – Added context aware type-in value support for Frequency and Gain controls. For example you can type 2000 for 2000 Hz or -6 for -6 dB.
Granulizer – Added context aware type-in value support. For example type in 50 instead of 0.5 to set a control to 50%.
Maximus – Added Monitor Input selector option in the Settings Menu for band visualization.
PanOMatic – Internal modulation (LFO) now previews on the XY control display.
Keyboard Controller – Preview keyboard Keys light up when notes are active.
ZGE Visualizer – Added an option to pre-load audio, to allow videos with audio playback.
Performance monitor – New filter option to focus on a specific plugin. Also can now be opened by double-clicking the CPU Panel.
Keyboard Shortcut Keys – Changed ‘Paste value’ in some menus from ‘p’ to ‘v’. Check the menu hints.
Mixer – Increased the maximum width of the Mixer so all tracks can be shown without having to scroll. Assuming your monitor/s are wide enough.
Touch keyboard – The maximum width of the Touch Keyboard now depends on the key size.
Diagnostic – Includes information about the number and resolution of computer screens in use.
MIDI scripting – Allow selection of next and previous plugin presets. channels.selectOneChannel now scrolls to the selected Channel. New functions: Screen functions: removeTextLine and addMeter. getLastPeakVol returns last peak value. Channels function getActivityLevel to show Channel activity. Patterns function burnLoop. Optional parameter to channels.showCSForm to allow closing a window.

官网 http://image-line.com/



官方下载(VST Plugin)
